History repeating itself?

Well it usually does and somehow it always seems to surprise politicians who make the same mistakes over and over again. I understand the County Council's budget proposes ceasing all funding for youth work with all the current buildings being disposed of.
That's history repeating itself!

Last time the Council had similar financial problems they slashed the youth service but at least they retained the buildings so there was something to build on in the future. This is an appalling betrayal of some of the most vulnerable people to save a miniscule amount of money which could, I believe, be easily saved elsewhere by curbing unnecessary expenditure.

You can do something about it: you can write to your Councillors and MP and make your feelings known. Cllr. Alan Farnell is the Warwickshire CC Chairman, e-mail cllrfarnell@warwickshire.gov.uk
Cllrs Stephen Gray & Sue Wixey, Chairman & Vice-chairman of the District Council, e-mail stephen.gray@stratford-dc.gov.uk sue.wixey@stratford-dc.gov.uk
Member of Parliament - Jeremy Wright, House of Commons, London SW1A 0AA e-mail wrightjp@parliament.uk .

What a winter and probably not all over yet, so when I say ‘caravans’ you will undoubtedly think not really a winter subject. However when you are not away in your caravan, it is quite possibly stored by your house. We have had reports of attempts to steal caravans, I say attempts because to my knowledge the thieves have not been successful and that is because the owners have been vigilant and taken preventative measures. So be aware and make moving your caravan or taking parts, difficult for the thieves. The added protection of the ever popular Smart Water (have I mentioned this fantastic deterrent before?!) on door handles and tow bars etc, with a little sticker to highlight its presence. Contact me for stock.

The winter sales are in full swing and whilst you are busy bagging bargains do keep an eye your wallets. We all know the score but sometimes get careless. Also take time to check your receipt and double check you have picked up your card, I left mine on the counter at Twiggy's favourite store last week, but luckily quite quickly noticed it was missing before any damage could be done. I know it takes that extra few minutes when you are busy bundling your goods into bags, but I have heard that in some reputable stores, assistants have been known to add a little for themselves by way of a ‘cash back’. It can be done.

Finally I am sure you have noticed (if not have a look today) at the brand new yellow Neighbourhood Watch signs at the main entrances to the village. The white ones put in place by my predecessor have done a great job, but had become somewhat faded over the years. I don't mean various small notices about car theft etc which have appeared around the area. No one quite knows who erected these. No, I mean the ones high on lamp posts, (regulation height is 2.1 metres). Our keen treasurer spent a few happy hours shinning up and down these posts for all our benefit. We do also have a supply of mini signs 4"x6", which would look great on your gate post and keep the message in the forefront that NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH operates in this village, so criminals beware! Contact your local co-ordinator or myself.

Frankie Stuart 841819 frankiestuart@virginmedia.com

I hope you have all had a wonderful Christmas and are looking forward to what 2011 will bring. The Lions have had a very busy few weeks starting with the switch on of the Christmas lights in Wellesbourne Precinct on 26th November. This was followed by a very cold two weeks out and about in the community with Santa and the Christmas floats. We would like to thank everybody for their tremendous support this year despite the difficult financial situation that many people find themselves in. I should be able to report how much has been raised this year in next month's news. We then hosted the carols in the precinct on 20th December, which gave local people the chance to join in together and give thanks for the community we share and to celebrate the joy of Christmas.

Lion Andy Stokes

Wellesbourne in Bloom

We have had a hectic month not helped by the frosty sub-zero temperatures but progress has been made. The Cubs and Scouts have been very busy planting their Scout logo on either side of the playing field layby. It should look a picture in the Spring with the Guide logos top and bottom of the layby. It was muddy, messy and great fun was had by all especially the munching of KitKats at the end. The poor Lions planted their logo in crocus in sub-zero temperatures. They did get their own back because we helped with the Lions Christmas Float and the temperature was about the same. It was a very idyllic night though with the hoar frost covering the trees and Christmas carols playing: just the way to get you into the Christmas spirit.

Thanks must also go to the Allotment Society, Michael and Linda Dane and the teachers and pupils at the School Annex who have also been busy bulb planting. The library extension has now been completed and Wellesbourne in Bloom has been in consultation with the project leaders all of the time regarding the landscaping. I have attended numerous meetings and am very pleased with the way it has gone. The County Council have been very understanding safeguarding the bench and planter and seeking our views on the new positions now that the work has been done. As has “Bob the Builder” who has let us have materials for another project in the village. There are to be 8 trees planted around the library and turf laid. Our plan was to plant bulbs around the trees and along some of the perimeters. Unfortunately due to the adverse weather conditions it has not been possible to put either the trees in or the turf down. So consequently the bulbs have not been able to go in either. It has now been agreed that we will plant the bulbs in pots to start them off and in the Spring we will create two borders either side of the entrance once the weather has warmed the soil up a bit. A few hours in the shed then! The planter has been repositioned outside the Library and looks great but if anyone knows how to get another £1,000 we could get another one for the other side to match. We appreciate that money is tight but if anyone has any ideas please let me know.

The St Peter's Church Wildlife Project is gaining pace: we are awaiting the delivery of the posh new planters for the Church Centre, the Scouts are planting the new hedging to in fill the gaps and the Horticultural Division of Moreton Morrell college are coming to look at what help is needed to lay the two new paths. If anyone would like to get involved in the project who is not involved already please contact me, we need a wide variety of skills to complete the project and all help is gratefully received.

Thank you to everyone who has helped us in 2010 and a very Happy 2011 from all the “Bloomers”

Heather Sims, Chairman, Wellesbourne in Bloom

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