“Am I a member of the village Neighbourhood Watch?” a question I often get asked, usually because the cost of house insurance may be reduced. The answer lies in yourself: do you care about your welfare and safety and that of your neighbours? If the answer is yes, you are a member, simple as that! You may feel that you could do a little more to help, make sure all your neighbours have NW roundels on the door to act as a deterrent, maybe deliver notices a few times a year to them, if so we would be delighted to hear from you. Please contact your local co-ordinator (to be found in the excellent Amenities book) or myself, for more details. It makes sense to let your immediate neighbour know if you are going to be away for any length of time and make sure you have your lights on timers set irregularly to resemble an occupied house. You then will not come home to the shock that intruders have taken many of your prized possessions, as happened recently when a neighbour spotted a couple in and out of the house next door. They showed no signs to conceal their activities so he assumed (always a mistake!) that they were friends! As mentioned last month, your committee will organise a meeting with alarm companies, however so far very few people have shown an interest in attending, so do ring me if you are interested.

Frankie Stuart, Chairman Neighbourhood Watch 841819 frankiestuart

On December 14th Wellesbourne WI held their last meeting of 2011, spending a most enjoyable evening with everyone in festive mood.

Mrs Ann Renfrew gave a most entertaining talk on straw work, which has its ancient roots in the tradition of corn dollies. These dollies were originally made by women farmers when the corn was harvested, in the belief that the spirits would then ensure that the next crop would be fruitful. The craft of straw work is worldwide and Mrs Renfrew gave accounts of visits which she has made to various countries and explained the similarities which span many different cultures. She then demonstrated how these beautiful items are made and some members also had a turn at being creative!

After tea, coffee and mince pies the President, Mrs Anne Hepworth, wished all members a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. This completed a busy and successful year for Wellesbourne WI.

The first meeting of 2012 was held on January 11th when Mrs Marguerite Bell gave a demonstration of seasonal winter soup cookery. The wonderful aromas which filled the hall were a hint of pleasures to come at the tasting session, which all members thoroughly enjoyed.

Guiding in Wellesbourne

We have Rainbows, Brownies and Guides in Wellesbourne and there are separate waiting lists for each group. The lists are quite long so if you would like your daughter to join, then please make sure you get her name added to the lists as early as possible to get the best chance of her having a place when she becomes the right age. For guides (age 10-14) contact Lyn Hancox on 01789 840452, for Wednesday Brownies (age 7-10) contact Fiona McGuinness on 01789 841828, for Thursday Brownies contact Allyson Wise on 01789 840844 and for Rainbows (age 5-7) contact Kate Skinner on 01789 842148.

A huge thank you goes to all the adults who contribute towards the weekly meetings. It isn't just the leaders who give their time each week (they are all unpaid volunteers) but there are parents who help on rotas, families and friends who help with transporting girls to events, testing for badges, sharing their skills with the girls or maybe helping with admin tasks. We are grateful to you all as without you there wouldn't be any Guiding for the girls.

We always need more adults to help so if you think you have a bit of time to spare to visit a meeting to teach the girls a new skill or you could offer to do some admin work or commit to a regular weekly "slot" then we'd love to hear from you. Please contact the District Commissioner, Kate Skinner, on 01789 842148 to find out more about Guiding and how you could get involved.

Wellesbourne/ Kineton Community Forum

At the last meeting in November, David Close of Wellesbourne Parish Council was re-elected Chair and Simon Jackson of Stratford District council was elected as Vice-Chair. Robin Hammond was thanked as the outgoing Vice Chair.

Police priorities to target for this quarter were anti-social behaviour in Wellesbourne and Kineton and vehicle speeding in Little Kineton and Hampton Lucy. Budget savings was the explanation why the police station in Wellesbourne had to close. Despite the SNT being deployed from Stratford Police Station, the police will be holding regular street surgeries and at Wellesbourne Police Station.

A new police telephone number, 101, is available for non-emergencies. The existing 999 and local police station numbers remain unchanged.

Despite the change in management, the household waste site in Wellesbourne continues to serve the public seven days a week. The main improvement is that during the summer the site is open to 6.15 in the evening.

There were two presentations on the NHS in Warwickshire and a Social Enterprise scheme in Kineton. Our patch remains pretty healthy although obesity levels and alcohol consumption remain a concern. The new scheme in Kineton is to support young people and other groups which is managed by an independent company, Get Me Into Ltd. It is hoped the company fill the gap left by the withdrawal of county support for the youth club.

The Community Forum Action Plan was agreed and in summary the five targets are:-

  • Highlight the need for more affordable Housing – promote what is available, ensure the new district housing plan includes support for affordable housing
  • Improve access to Broadband – promote an online survey to highlight the need for superfast broadband on the Forum area
  • Reduce Fuel Poverty – still a major concern in South Warwickshire. Publish a campaign leaflet in the Wellesbourne area and promote Energy Champions in conjunction to the local energy saving charity, Act on Energy.
  • Improve Public Transport – work with the voluntary sector and councils to seek further funding to provide more services.
  • Reduce Traffic Accidents – provide road safety materials including wheelie bin stickers, identify people to train in ‘Community Speedwatch’, promote Community ‘Speedaware’ and set up a Forum Action Group to identify and highlight traffic issues in the Forum's patch.

The next meeting is on Thursday 15th March at Wellesbourne Fire Station at 6.30pm to meet the police and local government officers privately, and at 7.00pm for the public meeting.

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