It's always a delight to receive contributions, especially letters about what's going on in the village. These give us an opportunity, not only to air a concern but also to be able to publish an informative answer too. It may not always be a satisfying explanation but at least it brings a particular topic to attention. Of the two other articles sent in this month, one is a story that seems to be quite topical for this time of year. We hope you enjoy them all.

Also we offer our congratulations to Mr Jack McDonaugh on reaching his 104th birthday last month and we wish him many more happy returns.


Boyse Trust

The Boyse Educational Foundation was founded by the Rev'd Richard Boyse to aid young people to further their education in its widest sense and also to promote children's physical health. A grant was made last year to coincide with the opening of the New Wellesbourne Library to buy nearly forty books with a Christian background for children and teenagers. To qualify for a grant you should be under 21, in full time education and resident in Wellesbourne.

Grants have been made in the past towards the cost of equipment and other special educational trips like the ones reported on in the WWN last year (and last month).

You can make an application at any time to either the Vicar or Churchwardens. (Ed)

Wellies Children’s Centre

Wellies held its first open day on 1st December. The event had a Winter theme with activities including icing biscuits, ice cube play and face painting. However it was the visiting reindeer who really stole the show proving very popular with children of all ages.

Wellies Spring timetable is available from the centre on 01789 840528, email or just pop in.

Live & Local

Almost your last chance to get tickets for this concert on 16th February 2012 at 7.30pm with two brilliant musicians Ashley Hutchings and Ken Nicol for a sensational evening of folk, blues, rock and more.

Get your tickets now from Peter and Veronica Quinn on 01789 840827. Tickets £8.50 each


There is to be a special Parish Meeting at the Village Hall on Tuesday 21st February 2012 at 7.30pm at which the main topic for consideration is the future of the Village Hall.

All who favour the community retaining the Hall and/or the adjoining car park for the future are requested to attend the meeting. Even if you are unable to attend, please also put your support in writing to the Chairman of the Village Hall Management Committee, C.J. Cole, 1 School Road, Wellesbourne, CV35 9NH.

Wellesbourne has benefited from this hall for nearly 50 years but its future is in jeopardy and we need your support to secure it for our village.

Wellesbourne Village Hall Management Committee


Well known TV artist Geoff Kersey will be visiting Wellesbourne Art Group on Wednesday 4th April at The Fire Station. He will be demonstrating watercolour techniques in his relaxed and friendly style. If you need some inspiration for your painting, do come along. Entry is £2.50 which includes refreshments, and the demonstration starts at 7pm. Further details from Audrey Sibert, Secretary, Wellesbourne Art Group, 01789 840146


On behalf of the Wellesbourne Committee of Macmillan Cancer Support we would like to thank everybody who supported us in any way during 2011.

Over the year we raised the fantastic amount of £7,000. We are at present planning our programme for 2012 and look forward to your continued support. In the meantime we are still holding our fortnightly coffee mornings at the Methodist Church Centre, the dates of which appear in the diary page of WWN.

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