
Community Forum

The December meeting was held at Ratley Village hall. The police agreed the priorities for the next three months on tackling anti-social behaviour in Lighthorne Heath, speeding on Banbury Road and Street in Kineton and Kineton Road in Wellesbourne. A report was given on the possible changes to the police due to a reduction in its budget. There will be fewer senior officers and administrative staff. The Safer Neighbourhood Team would continue to focus on community policing particularly preventing crime and having a visible presence in villages.

A report was given on the Lighthorne Heath Children's Centre. Accounts were given on the work that is done and a personal account on how the centre has helped one particular person.

The Forum Action Plan for the year was reviewed with the message to people that it needs offers of help to deliver it. It can't be left to council staff. The main topics of the plan are about providing affordable housing, providing facilities for young people, reducing the level and perception of crime, and providing better transport. If you have any ideas on how any of these topics can be implemented in your community, get in touch with your local councillors.

St Peter’s

Tiddlers’ Pre-school

Welcome again to a few new children; we have been delighted that you have settled into pre-school so well.

This half term we have been busy learning nursery rhymes and recognising words that rhyme. Incy Wincy Spider was popular as we made spiders' webs from cooked spaghetti and played with the spiders (not real). We have also had opportunities to junk model, cook and garden this half term.

In the outside area we have had a theme of the ‘big top’. We have been encouraging the children to develop the qualities of trust and cooperation. In tightrope trust we learnt to balance on a low beam before making it higher. The children have been learning to walk on small stilts using each other for support and encouragement.

We have now purchased new software for the children's computer. Before Christmas the children trialled several items and then made a decision to buy ‘Captain Conrad's Space Adventure’ and ‘Percy gets into shape’. These are cross-curricular titles especially for 2-5 year olds.

We have also used some of the fund-raising money to renew our membership of WEAVE. This is our third year of involvement with WEAVE Recycle and allows us unlimited access to an exciting selection of recycled resources which give us a lot of scope for flexible and enriched learning opportunities.

If you are interested in a place for your child from September 2011, please contact Karen on 07876 764160 or call into the Church Centre after 10am Monday to Friday and watch us learning through play. For more information you can read our OFSTED report 200773 online.

Girlguiding News

Q: What is the connection between Wellesbourne and Girls Scouts of America?
A: Juliette Low

The Girl Guide movement was started in 1910 by Robert Baden Powell when a group of girls gatecrashed a Boy Scout rally at Crystal Palace and asked him to do “Something for the Girls.” A close friend of Baden Powell was an American widow, Juliet Low, who had lived with her husband in Wellesbourne House. In 1911, while living in London, Juliet became an enthusiastic Guide Leader and decided to take the movement to America. In 1912 she returned to Savannah where 18 girls were registered in the first two patrols of American Girl Guides. The organisation grew and a year later was renamed the Girl Scouts as it is still called today. Juliet converted her carriage House into a meeting place for girls which came to be known as Girl Scout headquarters and she bequeathed it to the Girl Scouts of Savannah in her will.

In 1928 the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) was formed to foster friendship around the world. WAGGGS owns and runs four world centres to provide places where Girl Guides and Girl Scouts from around the world can come together in friendship. Beginning with the founding of Our Chalet at Adelboden in Switzerland in 1932, WAGGGS went on to build three more centres, Pax Lodge in London, Our Cabana in Cuernavaca in Mexico and Sangam in Pune, India. Each centre has its own unique character based on the culture of the Country in which it is built. Another link with Wellesbourne – The Juliet Low Foundation gave the money to buy the five acres of land on which the Mexican centre is built.

Young women from all round the world are given the opportunity to work in the centres or take part in volunteer programmes which are run to benefit the local communities. In this way people who hold similar values are given the opportunity to share differences and gain deeper understanding of others.

The Aim of WAGGGS is to enable girls and young women to develop their fullest potential as responsible citizens of the world and at present there are 10million members throughout the World.

I have been privileged to visit the centres in Switzerland, India and London and later this year I am going to Mexico. A visit to a World Centre is a wonderful experience to share the fun and friendship of the worldwide Guiding Family.

Liz Walker

Parish Council Notes

Parish Tree Logo

In terms of decisions this was quite a quiet meeting. The legal documentation regarding the transfer of the Chedham's Yard project was agreed, though final approval to sign is not yet given. There have been several events led by the Friends of Chedham's Yard, taking forward the educational and promotional work of the Yard. Thanks to all involved.

Snow and Ice
The hostile weather conditions in December took their toll. Thanks to all who helped maintain something like normal life, using the grit bins recently installed. The Council will be asking the Post Office to respond to many complaints about the disruption to their service, and will consider their response at the next meeting.

Dog Fouling
Several new notices have gone up to remind dog owners of their responsibilities. There are still some areas of concern, at which the ice made things more noticeable. Please do clear up after your pet.

Future Meetings
The next meeting of the Parish Council will be on 1st February at the Methodist Hall at 7.30. All are welcome.

Parish Council Committee Meetings scheduled for January are:
Amenities Committee 7.30 on 22nd February, Parish Office

Advance Notice
The Annual Parish meeting will take place on 15th March at 7.30 in the Village Hall. A major topic on the Agenda will be the results of the work of Vision4Wellesbourne in the development of a Parish Plan.

David Johnston, Chair, Wellesbourne Parish Council

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