Our Street Fayre at the beginning of June was a terrific day, lots of sunshine and good cheer. There was music from the Disco to Songs of Praise in the Churchyard, entertainment from Punch & Judy to bouncy castles. WWN had an especially good day and raised £74 toward our production costs thanks to the generosity of Charlecote House giving us tickets to various Outdoor Theatre productions. The lucky winners of the competition were Mrs Renton-Jones who won two adult tickets to “Love in Shakespeare” and Mrs Partridge who won the family ticket for “The Secret Garden”. Thank you to all who took part and organised the whole day. It was wonderful.


Christian Aid Week in Wellesbourne

In the recent street by street collection £656.88 was raised.

The Christian Aid organiser would like to thank all those who delivered envelopes to streets in the village. Thanks also to Duncan's Pet & Garden Store for being the main collection point and thanks to St Peter's and the Methodist Churches for taking part.

Wellesbourne Amateur Dramatic Society

(WADS) annual general meeting is to be held on 1st July at 8.00pm at Wellesbourne Methodist Hall. We will be having a short AGM followed by a play reading for our November production. ALL WELCOME - Actors, Backstage, Set Builders. All help gratefully received.
Please call Andy or Julie on 01789 841939 for more details.

Morris Men at Kineton

Kineton's popular Farmers' Market on Saturday 10 July, 10am to 1pm will feature performances from the famous Adderbury Village Morris Men.

In addition to the Morris dancing and live music, the Market will include the usual delights of hot food, organic fresh meat, artisan breads, cheeses, homemade cakes, local beer, pickles and preserves. The Bicycle Doctor will be on hand again to give bikes some free TLC.

Jumble Sale

Saturday 10th July St Peter's Church Rooms 2pm Proceeds in aid of the War­wickshire & Northamptonshire Air Ambulance

Lauren would like to thank everyone who helped and supported her at the jumble sale held on 27th March/16th June.

Open Air Songs of Praise

‘Churches Together’ service at 3.00pm on 11th July on Dog Close. All very welcome


In St. Peter's Church on Saturday 17th July 9.30 - 11.30am (in aid of church funds)

Come and have a relaxing break in a busy day. All welcome


Have you ever wanted to have a go at thinking about the really Hard Questions to do with faith?
Does science disprove God? If God made a good world, why is it such a mess? Does religion make peace or stir up conflict? Is there 'good' religion and 'bad' religion? Why are there so many religions? Can you have a sense of right and wrong without believing?

Thinking is Allowed (to echo the BBC programme) and we plan to do some of it on Wednesdays, 21st & 28th July, at St Peter's Centre 7.30pm, with Dr Christopher Lamb. There will be a box at the back of St Peter's Church for you to post your questions in beforehand so that we can get an idea of what people want to talk about.

WAG Walkers

New Extended Saturday Walks

On 24th July the compass points south west: We drive to Loxley and park, Walk south west and turn left towards Ettingley Farm; Walk south towards Whitfield Farm; cross the railway track and A422 by Springfield Farm, cross to back of Hounds Hill pub and turn right onto footpath; head north west, pick up A422 and turn right towards Long Barrow and to Loxley.



Shipston Home Nursing

Family 3 mile fun walk/run... 10 or 25 mile bike ride. Date for your diary Sunday 26th September Shipston High School. 10am start bikes 10.30 walkers/runners. Walk/run £3.00 adult/ £2.00 child. Bike ride 25mile over 14 years of age £15.00, 10 mile bike ride £8.00 adult £4.00 children. Keep an eye on the website for on line entry or call Gilda Gardner 07970 177951 walk/run or Bill Joss 01295 680803 email GO THAT EXTRA MILE FOR CHARITY/GET FIT, HAVE FUN, RAISE FUNDS.



Will be held at Wellesbourne CE Primary School from Monday 26th July to Friday 20th August, 8:45am - 4pm for children aged 4 to 11 years (children need to have completed Reception year at school).

The scheme is run by an enthusiastic and motivated team providing a varied timetable of holiday activities and fun, including sports, team games, art & craft, fancy dress, theme days, visits from local organisations and much more!

Cost for Pre-booked places is £10.00 per day per child and booking is essential as places are limited. Application forms can be downloaded from our web-site: or obtained from Wellesbourne School, Wellesbourne Medical Centre, or Wellesbourne Pharmacy.

Enquiries to: Playscheme Booking Secretary on 07594 711194 Email:


We are looking for new members and invite you to come along to one of our meetings. We have a variety of talks, including ones on local history.

We meet on the 4th Wednesday in the month in the Village Hall; meetings start at 8.00pm. Admission is £1.00 and £0.50 for members inc tea/coffee and biscuit.

Our Programme is in “Forthcoming Events” on page two, and the speaker this month is Mr Graham Sutherland on “English Curiosities”. It is also posted on the Notice Boards around the Village. Do come along: you will be made very welcome.

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