January 2011


Whenever it's my turn to write this article, I find myself in my favourite armchair, looking out over the field behind my house, thinking about what living in Wellesbourne is all about, what I want to say. Today it's a gentle view - absolutely still, birds singing – a wren, a robin, blue tits, the frost gone, a huge flock of birds suddenly wheels past, and I think how lucky (!?! not very vicar-y phrase – substitute ‘blessed’!) I am to live here. Pleasant countryside right on our doorstep, a real community to belong to, good shops, dentist, GP, primary school, new life bubbling up – Scouts, U3A, WiB. In this season of New Year's resolutions, the resolutions I'd like to see us make as a village are to:

  1. use our local shops and services
  2. get involved in some Wellesbourne group or activity
  3. do all we can to save the County Council youth service provision here.

As Vicar here, I can't help adding a 4th resolution – give one of your local churches a try! When I was 21 I ‘lived the high life’ in London as a new graduate with some cash – parties, clothes, restaurants. One day, walking along Greenford Road (I lived 2/3 way along at number 1011), past grey pebble-dashed house after house after house, I had a life-defining revelation: my life, superficially great, actually felt as bleak and empty as that road. I knew without a shadow of a doubt that in not joining a church I had lost my way. So I went along with a friend to a local church, and it was the making of me. I found an extended family – children, teenagers, friends my own age who are still friends many years later, older people who supported and encouraged me. I found a spiritual focus and inspiring teaching. I found myself and my purpose in life through turning to Christ in worship with others. I had not been able to sustain my Christian faith on my own – I needed to belong to a church if I was really to thrive as a human being.

If you would like to ‘try out’ Christianity in the company of others, come to my house on Live Jazz at St Pete's
Tuesday 11th January 7.00pm for our next Alpha Supper to find out more about the Alpha Course that starts the following week. RSVP details on the back page.

With every blessing for 2011

Revd Kate Mier

Live jazz at St Pete’s see p.8

At the Christmas Fayre

How to pick a winner?

Craft with Wendy

Sue and friend

Books galore

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