
Joe, a Warwicshire Countryman

The full story

Warks 1919 Warks 1919 Warks 1919 Warks 1919
Pictures of,
and Words from Joe
Joe, still working in his seventies

Joe was brought up and spent his life in South Warwickshire. His accent was unpolluted by radio and television. As we can be touched and influenced by more and more outisde influences and become blander as a result, his accent is marvellous. Spend time in the area that Joe lived his life in and only snatches of the accent can be found, usually among the sucessors to the lifestyle Joe led, and these are a dwindling number.
Listen to Joe and enjoy the voice of someone who one suspects would rather have a 'Good day!' than a 'nice day'

Words from Joe Gerring[370K]